Tailored Auslan courses | Expression Australia

 Tailored Auslan courses

A man and woman are chatting in Auslan. They are standing next to a city street. We can see some trees, grass and a building in the background.

What are tailored Auslan courses?

Tailored Auslan courses are set up to fit your specific language, information or scheduling needs. They can be either face-to-face at a location of your choice or via your preferred video-conferencing platform.

These courses can be tailored to include specific words and signs, important topics or to match the needs of your work environment.

Types of tailored Auslan courses

Expression Australia provides:

  • Classes and tutoring
  • NDIS Auslan classes and training
  • Deaf Awareness Training
  • Workplace Inclusion Training

Who can learn Auslan?

  • People interested in learning a new language
  • People with Deaf family and friends
  • People with Deaf colleagues at work
  • People interested in a new career
  • Anyone!

All profits from Auslan classes are invested back into services for people who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

How to access tailored Auslan courses

Contact us via the details below and we can create the Auslan course that is right for you.

For more information, contact Expression Australia:

Email auslan@expression.com.au

Phone (03) 9473 1111
