Reconnect Program | Expression Australia

What is Reconnect?

Reconnect is a Victorian Government program that assists people in overcoming barriers that may stop them from engaging in education, training, and employment, providing pathways for people experiencing disadvantage or hardship.

Expression Australia are the only Reconnect provider who specialises in assisting the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

Who is eligible for the program?

You can apply for Reconnect if:

  • You are between 17 and 64 years of age,
  • You are an Australian citizen or hold a valid visa,
  • You have not been employed in the last six months or work less than 8 hours per week, and
  • You have not been in education or training for the last six months or study less than 8 hours per week.

Additional flexibility is offered to asylum seekers or people with other barriers to training and employment.

The program is available regardless of if/how you receive funding.

How does Expression Australia support Reconnect participants?

We can support you by:

  • Creating individualised learning and career plans that are focused on increasing employability.
  • Finding support with health, mental health, and other social services.
  • Providing financial support for accessing some services (technology, therapy, transport, interpreting, course fees etc).
  • Providing language support such as Auslan interpreters, speech to text, or captions to help you engage in supports and programs

What can you access through Reconnect?

The Reconnect program is catered to your individual needs and goals. See below some examples of classes and courses that people have undertook in the past. All activities through Reconnect are free, including any interpreters or other language supports you may need.

  • Espresso coffee making
  • Gelato making
  • Chocolates making
  • Resume writing
  • Cleaning courses
  • Forklift licences
  • Auslan training
  • Any TAFE certificates
  • Driving lessons with Deaf instructor
  • Carpentry
  • Flower arrangement
  • Sewing
  • Drawing
  • Adult Migrant English Program

Want to know more?

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You can get in touch with our team by filling out the Expression of Interest form linked below, or emailing them at You can also send an enquiry via videomail.